Ma avastasin õige pea, et hääl, mida Kate Bush tegi "Wuthering Heightsi" lauldes, ei ole üldse tema õige lauluhääl. Ta tegi selle kunstlikult kõrgemaks just selle laulu jaoks. Muus loomingus on ta hääl üsna... normaalne, kuigi sopran ikkagi.
Minu praegune lemmiklaul temalt on "Moments of Pleasure" aastast 1993. Välja lastud siis, kui mina olin alles väike põngerjas.
Tegemist on ballaadiga ja see on niivõrd isiklik, et ma ei kujuta ette, et seda kunagi keegi teine laulaks. Seal on isiklikud naljad ja mälestused, ja kõige lõpus ütleb ta tere mõnedele lähedastele inimestele, kes on hiljuti surnud. Üheksakümnendate algus oli tema jaoks raske aeg olnud, sest surid mitmed talle kallid inimesed ja lõppes pikaaegne suhe.
Some moments that I've had
Some moments of pleasure
I think about us lying
Lying on a beach somewhere
I think about us diving
Diving off a rock, into another moment
The case of George the Wipe
Oh God I can't stop laughing
This sense of humour of mine
It isn't funny at all
Oh but we sit up all night
Talking about it
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
On a balcony in New York
It's just started to snow
He meets us at the lift
Like Douglas Fairbanks
Waving his walking stick
But he isn't well at all
The buildings of New York
Look just like mountains through the snow
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
Just let us try
To give these moments back
To those we love
To those who will survive
And I can hear my mother saying
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Isn't that a great saying?
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Here come the Hills of Time
Hey there Maureen,
Hey there Bubba,
Dancing down the aisle of a plane,
'S Murph, playing his guitar refrain,
Hey there Teddy,
Spinning in the chair at Abbey Road,
Hey there Michael,
Do you really love me?
Hey there Bill,
Could you turn the lights up?
Some moments of pleasure
I think about us lying
Lying on a beach somewhere
I think about us diving
Diving off a rock, into another moment
The case of George the Wipe
Oh God I can't stop laughing
This sense of humour of mine
It isn't funny at all
Oh but we sit up all night
Talking about it
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
On a balcony in New York
It's just started to snow
He meets us at the lift
Like Douglas Fairbanks
Waving his walking stick
But he isn't well at all
The buildings of New York
Look just like mountains through the snow
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
Just let us try
To give these moments back
To those we love
To those who will survive
And I can hear my mother saying
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Isn't that a great saying?
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Here come the Hills of Time
Hey there Maureen,
Hey there Bubba,
Dancing down the aisle of a plane,
'S Murph, playing his guitar refrain,
Hey there Teddy,
Spinning in the chair at Abbey Road,
Hey there Michael,
Do you really love me?
Hey there Bill,
Could you turn the lights up?
Mind natuke hämmastas see rida:
Just let us try
To give these moments back
To those we love
To those who will survive
To give these moments back
To those we love
To those who will survive
Miks ainult ellujääjad?
Siis lugesin, et selle laulu kirjutamise ajal oli Kate'i ema raskelt haige ning nende ridadega püüdis ta vist ema lohutada. Aga ema suri natuke aega peale laulu lindistamist.
Ja ma tean, kes olid kõik need inimesed, keda ta laulu lõpus tervitab. Bill Duffield näiteks oli tema esimese turnee valgustusspetsialist, kes läks enne esimest kontserti kontrollima, kas kõik on okei, ja kukkus pimedas kõrgelt ning sai surma. Kate oli endast nii väljas, et tahtis peaaegu turnee ära jätta. See jäi aastakümneteks tema ainsaks turneeks.
2011. aastal andis ta välja albumi "Director's Cut", mis koosnes täiesti tema enda lugudest uues kuues. Ma olin juba "Moments of Pleasure'i" esimesse versiooni ära armunud, kui uusversiooni kuulsin, ja ausalt öeldes ei meeldinud uus mulle üldse. Ta on välja jätnud refrääni ja orkestriseade ning laul koosneb ainult klaverist ja tema häälest. Ja ta hääl on ajaga palju madalamaks muutunud... Ning lõpus on ta nimedest välja jätnud oma tädi Maureeni ja Billi, mis on pettumustvalmistav. Bill oli nagunii mu lemmik.
Ei tasu vist parandada midagi, mis polnud katki.
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